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Student Travel Grants


The SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, to be held on 5-9 November, 2023, is pleased to announce Student Conference Grants to support the participation of eligible SBMO student members to attend the Society’s conference.


The Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society (SBMO) will cover the payment of airline tickets to some eligible SBMO Associate students that will present papers at IMOC2023 in Castelldefels, Spain. This is an SBMO investment approved at the Board meeting to encourage and enable the presentation of papers by Brazilian students, in addition to increasing the visibility of the 20th edition of the SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC 2023). 


Eligibility Criteria


Active Ph.D students as well as M.Sci. students linked to a brazilian institution are eligible to apply for this grant. Applicant must be an active student member of SBMO.


The judgment will take into account the quality of the work, the previous history of the candidate and his advisor in the SBMO's area of activity, the inclusion of the research group in the community linked to themes related to SBMO, previous participation in events organized by SBMO and prospects for developing new products based on the results obtained;

Please, press here for accessing the Student Travel Grant Edital with information about the judgment criteria and the required information/documents.


Application Procedure


Applications for the IMOC 2023' student travel grant will be open until September 8th, 2023. In order to apply for the grant, the candidate must fill in the form available at https://forms.gle/TUrNojNEouT9MFUHA.


Students that received the grant:


Thales Henrique R Castro de Barros – UFPE
Victor Henrique R. Cardoso – UFPA
Amanda de Freitas Romeiro – UFPA
Leonid Abimael Huancachoque Mamani – UNICAMP
Sophia Otálora Gonzalez – UFES
Eduardo Henrique Dureck – UTFPR
Beatriz Brusamarello – UTFPR
Ewelim Dayane de Souza Barros – UFPE
Juliano Rafael Andrade – Universidade Federal do Pampa
The 20th SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference is pleased to announce the availability of one travel grant sponsored by TELECORENTA, the Spanish plan for the promotion of telecommunications studies in Spain (PPET), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through PRTR and the European Union-NextGenerationEU.
Applications are invited from qualified full-time graduate and undergraduate students. 
To qualify, a student must: 
    (i) be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. degree in engineering or related field in a college or university when submitting the application;
    (ii) having never been enrolled in a Spanish university, and 
    (iii) having not received a similar grant in the past 12 months.
Women, undergraduates, and underrepresented minority students are particularly encouraged to apply.
The travel grant will cover the conference registration, travel expenses and accommodation up to a maximum of 1.500€. 
Application Procedure
The applications for the student travel grant shall consist of:
  1. A brief cover letter (maximum one page) from the student indicating: (a) the college/university programs the student has been enrolled in, and confirming that the student has never been enrolled in any Spanish university;  (b) her/his research interests and its alignment with IMOC 2023 conference ; (c) a statement on how attending the conference would benefit the student’s career and research; (d)  (if applicable) whether the student is a first-time attendee and whether the student has authored a paper accepted at IMOC 2023 or one of its workshops, providing the paper title; (e) whether the student is from any under-represented groups; (f) whether the student has received travel grants before, and when.
  2. A recommendation letter from the student’s advisor including the following: (a) confirmation that the student is a graduate/undergraduate student in good academic standing; (b) the availability of extra funding to cover travel expenses for the student in excess of the travel grant.
  3. The student’s CV.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants should send their applications through e-mail to telecorenta@cttc.cat as follows:
  1. Use the following subject: IMOC 2023 Telecorenta Student Travel Grant Application (please note, emails may be missed without this subject)
  2. Attach all materials as outlined above as a single PDF file attachment.
Important Dates:
  • Application deadline: 16th October 2023 at 23:59 EST
  • Rolling application processing with final notification deadline: 19th October 2023
  • Awardee acceptance deadline: 20th October 2023 at 23:59 EST
For any questions regarding the application or grant content please contact telecorenta@cttc.cat; indicating in the email subject: IMOC 2023 Telecorenta Student Travel Grant Question
Award Selection Committee:
Ignacio Llamas, CTTC, Spain 
Antonio Lázaro, URV, Spain 
Monica Navarro, CTTC, Spain
Student Travel Grant Patrons:



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